Thursday, September 17, 2009

A year flies by

Incredible how quickly time passes. Safe to say my first year in New York has been a success. I returned to work at Essence for a fair rate, and have made a lot of videos promoting their brand. Through the job I traveled to Chicago, and New Orleans, and saw formidable Beyonce in concert.

I also took a trip to Puerto Rico with Jess, watched my sister move into her new place, received a few college application essay drafts from my brother, and painted my apartment. It still feels pretty bare in here.

In general, I felt a lot of the time was a wait for summer, and when it came it came wet and fast, and left as discreetly as it arrived. Fall is almost officially here.

Recently I did a shoot in Westport, Connecticut, with a director I met through Essence. I was very impressed by the serenity and the wealth of the place. It was a cooking show pilot featuring two grandmothers, and took place at their home. Pictures below:

The two "Mimi's." That's how they were referred to by the kids. That's the director, Jason, on the left, with another shooter whose name I've forgotten.
Their porch. After the shoot, which went well into the evening, I sat on one of those chairs and looked at the vast view, listening to the water rush up.

Their back 'yard' was a private backbeach. We ate smothered steak, mash potatoes, and roasted corn at that table, long after the sun had set.

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