Monday, June 2, 2008

My 27th Birthday

27, can you believe it! Man, that's a considerable amount of time, and I'm still feeling like I'm developing my understanding for things, like how to stay productive, how to stay on top of things. So much more to learn, but also a lot of good growth to acknowledge.

What I want - that's a little more defined now. In this age of options and unending info, my goal has been: sift through it; pick the most fulfilling one. I think any path can be fulfilling, specifically career-wise, but on the lifestyle tip too. But career alone, that's been hard to do. I have so many interests, and a knack for a lot of things.

Lifestyle wise, I've gone back and forth between spending time with the few close friends I have, and forgoing easy times in favor of working more passionately, even ruthlessly, to get to that next level. most of the time it's been the latter, but not always so comfortably. Still feeling like, is this me?

I think in the future, the aim will be some sort of reconciliation of poles. Approaching conflict not as problems, but the status quo. So far, that's been hard to reconcile. Like are you in or are you out? but applying that to all aspects of my nature. It's funny typing that out, like how can human nature be simply defined? But a lot of me still thinks it can. Definitely food for thought.

Edward Albee says "live life on the precipice." That's been ringing in my ears since I've heard it.

Today I woke up really early. Maybe 4am. Energized a little. 27! So things to think about:

On the meta tip:

My nature: find a way to harness and utilize (seemingly) non-positive/productive energy (i.e. boredom, disgust). Expend the energy, not distract it.

On the here and now:

Movie projects - put myself out there where I can
Web site?
Make the most of work time